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Bug detection | Bug Sweeping

Bug detection | Bug Sweeping

Business and life can be a challenge sometimes and the last thing you need to worry about is somebody spying on you and your business, your sensitive conversations being monitored or someone prying into your private life.

A bug comes in all forms – Room transmitters, Audio|Video transmitters, Telephone bugs, Vehicle trackers, hidden cameras to name a few. The harm it is capable of causing is enormous and planting it in anyone’s residence, office or vehicle can poses a potential threat to their privacy.

Our Private investigators are expert in TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter measures) which is the process to finding these gadgets. Before we carry out the bug sweeping, we conduct a full risk assessment of the site to ensure the sweeping focus is on the right path. Once we identify the most highly possible location, a thorough inspection is conducted in those designated areas. Our team has the expertise to search and detect for hidden cameras, covert listening devices, car tracker equipment and the latest spying devices favoured by private investigators and law enforcement.